jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Funny Story you and I...

                Funny story, you and me…you…me…us…

                    When was the exact time that you and me become one, I don´t know; but I know for sure, that that was great. It was from another world…

                    I think the first time that we fell in love was a day when clouds were covering the sky. They were  grey, they were sad…

                    But here´s a thing…these clouds began to get closer and closer to each other,  and as time went by, they became more and more grey, and less sad…

                    We were in the backyard, just having fun, relaxing. The day was cool until our clouds started to turning the sunlight off.

                    These clouds moved with steady pace, it was like they knew what to do, where to go. And they started to mix, to embrace one another.                      

                    More grey became, almost black, and no sadness were in sight... Everytime the clouds got involved, it seemed to be good, full of energy…full of magic.

                     They were really connected, you know?  you could feel it, they were becoming one.  they felt  each other, they put their bodies together, their  souls…and they widened, they turned into dark clouds and became one…just like us.

                    Then It was dark in the backyard, but we didn´t move…we were fine, we had each other, it was nice.

                    So these clouds, all mixed, began to rule the sky. This huge amount of clouds was strong, brave, powerfull… you could see it, taking over the atmosphere, giving orders and commanding.

                    So these energic, eclectic clouds started to make love. Oh! It was beatiful! It was tender at first, then became strong and hard.  So  savage at the end. We could feel it. Oh! we could feel it. So great!

                    These clouds gave love to everyone. Shedding their love in soft singing drops. Mixing with the wind, and making a love song. The sky cried of joy,  the clouds burned the earth with it´s heat.

                    The sounds of love above became more and more frantic, wild, rampant! It´s roar louder and louder, The clouds were howling of pleasure, resounding with flashing lights; releasing furious energy that was caming out from that crude love; shaking the earth, the world, our bodies…

                      Oh! Bravo! brave love! Bravo! I still can feel it, it was crazy, it was mad! We were all impregnated from love and covered in passion. Oh mother nature! Oh, it was so simple, so soft and strong at the same time, and comfused, and noisy, and wet! Full of energy! Oh! and my heart…oh my heart was beating so damn hard!…

                    And I remember that I sheltered in your arms, from that powerfull love making, up  in the sky. You hugged me tightly, and love in the air, caught us.  It was delighful! Marvelous!

                    Oh…I looked up to meet your eyes… they were fiding mines. We looked at each other and crushed. We shared our souls in that dark place ilumineted only from that love above. Our bodies felt  love, the love gave us love, spraying us with emotion.

                    I wanted to say sothing but I couldnt! I, I just wanted you to know How I felt, How energic my body felt next to yours, but you already knew all that. ´Cos my body, my eyes were showing it  to you.

                    And you gave me that smile…ha!, oh that naughty smile! Ah… and I burned in that wet day, in all that loony scenay that I came up with. You took me in your arms and made me yours on that very place full of love…

                    …And I think that that, was the first time I fell in love with you.

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